Featured Monthly Resource
Each month we will be sharing a lesson plan and activity linked to our programmes and focus for the month aligned to significant days, like Earth Day. This gives an opportunity for teachers to engage with the day even if they cannot do so on the specific day as these issues are year-round.
This month's lesson, in honour of Global Wind Day, is from our the micro-module 'Offshore Renewable Energy'. This lesson plan introduces learners to renewable energy, focusing on wind power's environmental impact and advantages. Engaging questions prompt critical thinking about fossil fuels' consequences, wind energy's role in sustainability, and its potential to enhance air quality and energy independence. Learners reflect on their roles in sustainable practices and technological advancements for reliable wind energy. They explore the visual and economic aspects of wind farms, culminating in envisioning a renewable-powered community. By the end of the lesson, learners are primed with the foundational knowledge necessary to embark on an exploration of wind energy's intricacies and its broader implications.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
2023 Advent Calendar
Full Packet
We'd like to share our SDG Advent Calendar for this festive season! Use a lesson which touches on each SDG leading up to your holiday break, or save the lessons for easy planning in the New Year.
Each week we will post a micro-packet with our lessons for the week, culminating in the full packing being posted on the 18th of December.
To download the resource click on the image of the packet.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
2023 Take 1 Week
MCSS Lesson Pack
In honour of the Take 1 Programme's Take 1 Week "Every Student - Every Subject - Every Class," we have compiled a lesson pack which contains five of our lessons from our various programmes which align with SDGs.
Use this packet to deliver one lesson every day of Take 1 Week to bring SDGs to your classroom, or choose lessons to supplement what you are already doing for Take 1 Week.
To download the resource packet click on the image of the cover page.
Programme Resource Bank
For news on upcoming resources - click on the image above or watch the video to find out more
Our education resources are free to use, and include
SDG Goal Introduction lessons
Module Intros – overview content / key skills / learning outcomes
Activities and lesson plans across all modules including links to other resources
Global Goals case studies
So we can support you in using them if necessary, we require users to sign up with a school email - name@schoolname.ie www.muinincatalyst.com Thank you.
Community Resources
Between Jan 2018 - May 2020, the CoDesRes project embedded an interdisciplinary team within post-primary level education to develop curriculum resources around the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 4 - Quality Education. The educational resources programme can now be found on our new programme website Muinín Catalyst Sustainable STEAM
The CoDesRes research is complete and we are beginning to revise the website. In the interim, you can contact us hello@futurefocus21c.com or if you subscribe we will send you an update. Thank you for your interest and Stay Safe
To access our community resources, click on the SDG 11 icon
The SDGs and Education for Sustainable Development
The SDGs, although not legally binding, require governments to take ownership and establish frameworks for achievement of the 17 universal goals that call for equitable economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection.
The team have gathered a number of useful resources around the Sustainable Development Goals, environmental organisations, and examples of interesting and inspiring projects. Click on the links to visit their websites and find out more.
External Resources
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a key element of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Its aims form one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goal on education SDG 4.7 and it is considered a driver for the achievements of all 17 SDGs. Complementary to the UNESCO guidance document - Education for Sustainable Development Goals - Learning Objectives, resource bank has been created for educators, education planners and practitioners and includes materials demonstrating how best to integrate ESD into teaching and learning in order to achieve the targets of the SDGs

World's largest lesson promotes the use of the Sustainable Development Goals in learning so that children can contribute to a better future for all. From citizenship and justice to climate change and the environment, their aim is to inspire children to make a difference. WLL produces creative tools for educators and action focussed learning experiences for children and young people that build skills and motivation to take action for the SDGs.